I was listening to my favorite morning show this morning (yeah, i'll go ahead and pimp 'em--98.9 the Rock's The Johnny Dare Morning Show here in KC) when i heard an endorsement that would become the last straw and would drive me to write this here and now...
"Pet Bereavement Counseling"
Are you kidding me? Really? We've gone there? Are you serious?
How 'bout this: these are my top five ridiculous ways to worship DWA's (Domesticated Wild Animal)
5. Doggy Day Care (if you can't care for them, don't have them!)
4. Excessively paying a veterinarian your hard-earned $$$ to treat an ANIMAL! Hip replacement on a dog???!!! C'MON! 3 steps: 1) Euthanasia 2) Dog Pound 3) New Dog Collar
3. Placing the wants and needs of an animal ahead of a family member--this includes but not limited to: postponing, cancelling an appt with a human to attend to your DWA; kissing your DWA but not your spouse; spending more on DWA food than your spouse's birthday present; willing anything to your DWA ahead of your immediate family...and the list could go on and on...
2. Pet Bereavement Counseling (mentioned above)
1. Dressing your wild animal...now you've really gone off the deep-end.
Now I know this blog may not be popular with the likes of Pam Anderson, PETA, or a overcaffeinated, certain local tv meterologist who has his DWA's on camera!!! And I risk the termination of a good many human relationships, but we must have a reality check!
There is a balance to everything and just as one uses food, illicit drugs, alcohol, sex, pornography, shopping, gambling and the like to salve a hole in our soul; there are too many people out there who use their domesticated wild animal to relieve the true dysfunction in their lives.
The reality is that so many place so much time, energy, effort, and money into their DWA (domesticated wild animal) because they know that for whatever reason, the animal will rarely manipulate, lie, cheat, ignore, withhold love and affection, play games, break hearts. The DWA will love back unconditionally...
Unconditional love...of course. That's it! That's what you seek!
I don't blame you...
But imagine if all the money, effort, time, and energy were placed into the human relationships we REALLY desire instead of the DWA's, maybe the world would change...for real!
And please don't misunderstand...i'm not an animal hater.
I love visiting the zoo on the weekends with my three little ones (yes they're human, i helped create them) and viewing animals as they were meant to be enjoyed--in environments that they were designed to inhabit!!! I don't endorse cruelty to animals. In fact intentionally harming animals is disgusting!
But let's be real...let's find balance. A DWA is just that--an animal--not human! Please act accordingly people!
all for now...
let the firestorm begin...:-)
p.s. ferrett's are not pets...they're rodents...look it up on wikipedia (that one was for you, John!)
We are doing a pet issue Aug. 27 and are talking about doggy bereamevent!!!