Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Men's Locker Room Ettiquette

(please, for the love of Pete!)

1. I don't care how good you think your bod looks, WEAR A TOWEL, washcloth, sock, loin cloth, something...when you get in and get out of your clothes. (You're not that pretty)

2. Wear flip-flops. I don't want to be sharing your feet filth and fowl. It's enough that you're sharing the visual of your "franks and beans" (see 1)

3. Reserve your phone conversations for OUTSIDE the lockerroom. I don't need to know how popular you THINK you are!

4. If you have to apply comforting powder to your unmentionables, please turn TOWARD your locker and NOT toward me!

5. WASH YOUR HANDS after you finish filling the porcelain. I do know where your hands are going--straight to the 50 pound dumbbell I'll be using in about 17 minutes.

thanks for trying to make the lockerrooms a better place to temporarily inhabit!

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