Why aren't gyms stacked, packed, and racked to the back during ALL 12 months of the year?
Why isn't home-gym equipment part of everyone's home decor? Why is it so unusual that when one sees a "six pack" of rectus abdominis, we swoon, awe, and gawk
Because exercise sucks, that's why!!!
I realize coming from someone who makes his profession in the fitness industry, my aforementioned comments might seem counter-productive, self-destructive, or just plain odd...
But let's all be honest, if exercise were easy, simple, or (seemingly) gave us

Am I right, or am I right?
Furthermore...let's analyze exercise in a group setting (i.e. the gym):
What we're asking of people is to dress up in clothes that don't fit, are too tight, show too much, or don't cinch where we need to be cinched...then ask them to jump, lift, push, pull, step, run in ways that seem odd, or don't fit their idea of functional everyday movement...then we put them in front of OTHER PEOPLE who look and do exercise better than them???!!!
(sarcasm ahead)
Man, I don't see the problem??!! What's the big deal? Expose people to potential wardrobe malfunctions, while jumping and jiggling, in front of pretty people, in an ego-laden sub-culture...
(more sarcasm ahead)
I just don't see the issue, do you?!
(sarcasm ends here)
Well, of course exercise is hard, humbling, difficult, and an up and down journey. The great experiences in life are NEVER EASY. It's hard, takes great discipline. It takes commitment, dedication, support from others, and expertise from those in the fitness industry.
But as one of my wonderful training clients, Cherryh Butler (one of INK magazine's supremely talented staff writers) says, "There are days I don't want to train, but I have to...I need to...I have to be there!"
So, does exercise really suck? For ALL OF US, there are those moments (I myself, had one today!). But find an exercise environment, a support system, a personal trainer, a group exercise class: all the components that are going to make you successful in your fitness journey...
MAKE IT HAPPEN! YOU are worth it!
David... good stuff. Get this published, my friend!