Sunday, June 19, 2016

Pardon the Interruption...


Phone calls.Cups of coffee, glasses of wine, mason jars of iced cold sun tea. A knock at the door, a ring of the doorbell, walking in and yelling, "anyone home"?

When did American culture become so fearful of interruption? When did we lose the want and need of the "drop-in" or the spontaneous phone call?

My 15-year old daughter CALLED me this weekend - twice! From Cheer camp, she called me! She likes me - she really likes me! 

Were you aware that Smart Phones are capable of making PHONE calls? It's true - Google it...I'm not lying. 

It was 2007 - a good friend introduced me to 'texting'. I didn't get it. She spent a robust 20 minutes schooling me on delicate number/ letter-punching on my LG flip-phone.

 "So... I have to push the number "3" two times to spell the word "no"???


"I don't get it? Why not just email me...?" 

Nine years later, I still ask the same question. Does texting allow two or more individuals to communicate without interrupting their current activity? - of course. Does texting lead to anti-social behavior? Of course it does...

When did we start sending preemptive text messages BEFORE calling? What are we afraid of? The chance they may be busy and send us straight to voicemail? Heaven forbid...

NEWSFLASH : YOU DON'T HAVE TO ANSWER THE PHONE... It's true - Google it...I'm not lying. 

I have some friends who recently built a new home. After the initial plans were confirmed, they allowed me to view the blueprints of their dream home. I was so impressed! Until I looked toward the front portions of the drawing and noticed something unusual. "What is THAT?" They looked at me quizzically. I repeated my question, "What is that?!" I pointed my finger... They simultaneously answered, "The front door?!" "Yes", I exclaimed. "Why do you need that?!"

The garage door goes up and down. Eight hours later, the garage door goes up and down. Let's use our front doors more. 

When I was kid, I would walk to the front door of my neighbor, ring the doorbell, and ask, "Can David (my neighbor was named David, too) come out and play?" I didn't call, I didn't send a text message. I didn't send a smoke signal. I just dropped in. No one was offended. No one was surprised. No one told me I was breaking a rule. If they didn't want to socialize, they didn't answer the door. It's true - Google it...I'm not lying.

I have single friends where the entirety of a new relationship consists of text-dating. Weeks go by and they never spend one moment face-to-face. Huh?

This is anti-social behavior...

I want to look into the eyes of someone. I want to hear the intonation in their voice. I want to interact with someone that goes beyond emoji's.

If you "don't have time" to drop in - make time. If you've snuffed out the possibility of a Tuesday night 20-minute phone conversation with your brother, best-friend, or father - make time. Make time for the spontaneous. Make time for the things that TAKE TIME. Life is too short to be running from game to game and drive-thru to drive-thru or spending twelve hour days at work.

Drop in on me - please! I have food and bottled water to share. It's okay. 
Call me - please! I have words and stories to share. It's okay.
Text me - if you have to...

It's true - Google it...I'm not lying.



  1. Very insightful. I miss phone calls, letters/cards in the mail or an occasional pop in from a friend. Cell phones make everything convenient, but less personal. We don't want interuption because we are over committed - sad, but true. Who has free time anymore?
    Good stuff, David.
