Wednesday, June 1, 2016

June 1, 2016

Someone wiser than I once said, "writers don't make a decision to write, they just must". I wrote my first blog in 1980. It was my reaction to a movie sequel involving droids, Wookies, and Skywalker's.

Since writing that three-sentence ramble on my Big Chief Tablet, through forms of public speaking, magazine articles, newspaper columns, school-teaching, personal training, group exercise classes, sales proposals, Facebook posts, Twitter tweets, and Instagram drops, I've been WRITING. I can't help it. It's my passion. I wake up nights with thoughts that must be expressed. I pester friends, family, and most especially my three children with my profound thoughts and important ideas and opinions.

Most of the time, they all roll their eyes...

So, why not afflict the masses?

Here's what I want to accomplish with this blog : to encourage my readers to THINK. I believe too many people drift through life on the hum of mediocrity and routine. Wake up, go to work, graze through a crockpot meal or a drive-through sandwich, pick up kids, doze off to Fallon. Live for the vacation get-aways to Cancun and wine-nights with the neighbors -- rinse and repeat.

I want to give my readers the opportunity slow down, process, be challenged, get angry, tear-up, smile...

Questions I'll ask on a weekly basis: We're still suffering for 9-11? Why people who cheat should be rewarded? Why America is suffering for our self-inflicted child-centered world? Why Jesus is super cool? Why do we use "super", "right", and "right now" in ways that would embarrass our grandparents? Why baseball is the best sport on the planet (with soccer as a close second), Why the NFL will be obsolete in 20 years? When did Pet-OWNER become offensive? Why are we obsessed with hand-sanitizer? Why every man should read 50 Shades of Grey?

So come along, join in, respond, react. But don't sit still.

I'll "see" you every Sunday night beginning June 5th.

-Billy Bridges


  1. Can't wait! Way to go and uber excited for you.

  2. I love to think. I love to share everything that runs through my head. I'm female and proud of it. Thanks for doing this and I'm ready to take part. The brain....what a powerful resource.

  3. I'm looking forward to reading your blog every Sunday. You're a great writer and have a way with words. Such great insight and information. Write on...

    1. Thank you Nicki for your kind words. And thank you for reading!

  4. Very exciting! Can't wait for more!
