Maintaining your clean-eating lifestyle while on the road...
...is difficult.
With autumn in full view ahead, it won't be long until we have to prepare for holiday travel!
What happens when we know full well what's waiting for us in Grandma's kitchen...the peanut butter balls, pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes & gravy, the hot totty's?
But you're trying to be disciplined...you're treating your body better than you ever have. You're doing so good with your eating and exercise lifestyle.
And yet Thanksgiving is coming and oh man, Mom's cooking is SO GOOD!
So what do you do?
Implement these three strategies to help make that holiday vacation a fitness road-bump and not a multi-car collision:
- When you're actually on the road--pack your food...this will prevent you from the dreaded "fast-food" drive-by or consuming the unmentionables at airport eateries. As a general rule...we must prepare our menu ahead of time or we'll be doomed to make bad choices.
- Take your on-site "snack food" for when you get there...this is a good way to let your family know that you're trying to be disciplined and yet not excluding yourself from the "big production meals". ALSO BRING ENOUGH SNACKS TO SHARE! This allows for an inclusive presentation and it just may introduce Uncle Ed to red-pepper hummus for the first time...
- Lastly, share your fitness story with your family. Let them know what you're trying to accomplish and allow them to hear you heart. But make sure you do it in a way that's not defensive and/or condescending toward them. You don't want to come across as "you should do what I'm doing, too!" or "I'm not eating your food...it's not good for me!" or worse still: "I'm better than you!" BAD IDEA. This creates division and Lord knows we have enough drama at family functions as it is (can I get an amen!)
Remember, allow yourself to splurge...you're on vacation. After all, as we say here at DLT, it's not what you eat today...it's what you eat EVERYDAY. Holidays are an exception to the rule...your body will forgive and you'll be right back on your clean-eating come Monday morning.
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