WARNING! Straight Talk About The Body Ahead...
"So guys, can't get it up?" "Having a (not) hard time?" Don't get the "attention" you need?
We all snicker at the Viagra and Cialis drug commercials on the boob tube, huh? It's taboo to discuss how one's manhood lacks the strength to rise to the occasion. (Okay enough with the wise-cracking erection euphemisms)
What I find more interesting is the actors found to participate in said commercials. Talk about misleading & false advertising!
Why, you ask?
Truth to be told, erectile dysfunction is a SYMPTOM of larger issues. E.D. is not something a man wakes up with on a Tuesday morning after years of normal vertical responses. Simply stated, an erection occurs when an increased amount of blood flow is sent to the penis during sexual arousal. When blood flow is reduced or blocked, erections CANNOT occur.
But how do these blockages occur? Let me address this question by posing another...
How do blood flow blockages happen in other areas of the body (IE the heart)? Dare I say poor care of the body--primarily a lack of physical activity and poor diet.
So when we see very attractive, fit, middle-aged men in E.D. commercials, it's simply WRONG. The vast majority of men who struggle with ED are struggling with other issues potentially more dangerous (heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, etc.)
Bottom line: We treat physical issues, conditions, and problems incorrectly. Treating E.D. acid reflux, high blood pressure, with perpetual drugs IS NOT THE ANSWER! We're simply treating the symptoms.
Believe me I know--I've lost 120 pounds and am now a fitness professional owning my own personal training studio--becoming and keeping fit is hard (no pun intended)
Daily exercise and clean eating is something that has to become your lifestyle. I KNOW IT'S HARD. But the alternative can't be: LET'S MEDICATE IT!
There's more to life than pills, potions, and programs!
Maybe I can help...?
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